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Not sure if this is a bug, oversight, or a misunderstanding...

I'm creating some custom splines in Blender, and export them as .obj files.


But when I import them as a spline, they're the wrong orientation, which can complicate getting the 'Step Y' setting right.


I have tried experimenting with different 'Up' and 'Forward' axes combinations when exporting the .obj, but the orientation when importing and using the spline geometry never seems to matche up.

However, when I deactivate the 'Z-Up coordinate system' option in the preference panel, the import and splines all align correctly. 



image.png.35c682b0b7505849049f599d01867c65.png image.png.a235ae7bd1b1c353a4a8f152ed538678.png


Does the Spline importer take account of the Z-up Coordinate System?  Or am I in error elsewhere? Temporarily deactivating the Z-up to import splines isn't a massive issue, but it would be nice if I didn't have to remember to do so.

Regards, Derek

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just a heads up

Some trouble I had with Core API  which I suspect might be for everyone ? That or I'm doing something wrong

- create then attempt to build a script, throws error in coreapi.h that Python.h  is missing
I'm guessing maybe the intention is, one should set it to point to one's own Python installation include directory? (or maybe there supposed to be a virtualenv somewhere?)
- trying to compile a script, it doesn't run it's just stuck on "compiling" for a while. even basic hello world script

Edited by poeboi
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On 3/17/2023 at 2:20 AM, ebitz said:

Create cloth object after sim creates 2 meshes that interpenetrate each other. Images are before create cloth object and after.

Screenshot from 2023-03-16 21-16-57.png

Screenshot from 2023-03-16 21-17-19.png

On 3/17/2023 at 8:33 AM, Henry Townshend said:

I also have this problem!!! I thought I was doing something wrong! It really shouldn't be this way right? I forgot how I worked around it (something with applying and then put on different layer or something) but it makes the cloth tool super inconvenient to use.

(Awesome model btw)


Is there any chance that this may could be fixed? I do more and more sculpting work in 3D Coat and I would really love being able to use the Cloth Sim tool properly with custom geo!

I think the tool is great, despite lack of self collision. However, using "Pick Volume" seems not really possible. It creates a second, overlapping mesh, instead of using the currently selected object on the current layer. It keeps the original in place and simply copies the decimated one over it.

Still not sure if I'm doing something wrong. But according to the tool tip of "Pick Volume" this is not the expected result?

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1 hour ago, Oleg_Shapo said:

At the moment this is the only solution to the problem.

That's fine, thanks for confirming that.  Do you think this might be added to the list of future bugfixes? 

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I like to report that using a shortcut on "Switch to Render Room", meaning the Tab "Render Room" (I have it on "F8") frequently crashes 3D Coat for me. Either it hangs until it crashes, or it crashes immediately. There's no chance of getting work back once it happens.

Using just the Tab by clicking on it never crashes on me. Only using a custom shortcut causes this for me.

Edited by Henry Townshend
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Hello, please see attached video!


this is hardly  "problem" and more of a "luxury problem" because its unusual to do, but I would be very thankful nonetheless if:

when masking something without the layer visible, displaying layer again it kept the mask, and can continue posing

Why? the usecase is when posing something like a character or creature, if you have the character in a "t pose" or similar and want to pose it into place little by little, you can make the selections on need-by-need basis by showing and hiding the sculpt layer one is working on, the pose selections are simpler to make on t-posed / undeformed sculpt

with that said it is possible to just make them into selection layers, then unhide, and pick from layer, so that's why it is a "luxury problem". If it is hard to fix then please don't worry about it. Thanks for updates and support as always

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Base Clay, Usual Clay, Vox Flatten, Soft Clay and Extruder brushes dont have steady stroke option on the top bar. But they all have steady stroke enabled in the tool options though. May confuse people.

Edited by Koray
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On 4/26/2023 at 9:05 AM, CometsoftNC said:

On Mac M1 Monterey using .17 when attempting to load a navigation preset via the camera icon the program returns to the file dialog no matter what (cancel or open).  3dcoat has to be force quit at that point.

This happens when importing an object into the sculpt room.  Open file dialog gets in an endless loop.

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Coat 2023.19, Windows


Sculptroom and Modellingroom Asset-browsers do not update, when adding Models.


Edited by Ctc_nick
added moving image
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  • 2 weeks later...
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Why does the Vox Clay brush have the color and glossiness option? No other brush have those. When the vox paint option is activated by clicking the check-box, they appear for other brushes too. Unclick and they disappear from all except the vox clay. Mystery :D :D :D 


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On 5/8/2023 at 3:16 PM, Ctc_nick said:


Coat 2023.19, Windows


Sculptroom and Modellingroom Asset-browsers do not update, when adding Models.


Try changing the name of the object in the Sculpt Tree panel. 3DCoat may not update because the name is the same. Just a guess.

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On 5/24/2023 at 2:38 PM, AbnRanger said:

Try changing the name of the object in the Sculpt Tree panel. 3DCoat may not update because the name is the same. Just a guess.

Hey thank you for your attention! No, that didnt't work. It does update when I restart.

the Log says: 

cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Loaded mesh file "C:\Program Files\3DCoat-2023\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels\Ballo.obj".

Thats not right, its stored under C:\Users\...\Documents\3DCoat\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels.  I also found that not all default objects from the splines menu are loaded that are in Program Files\. Could you maybe look what your log says? It is in C:\Users\???\Documents\3DCoat\Log.txt. Does it work on your side?

Anyway thank you.

Edited by Ctc_nick
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1 hour ago, Ctc_nick said:

Hey thank you for your attention! No, that didnt't work. It does update when I restart.

the Log says: 

cMeshIO::LoadMesh(): Loaded mesh file "C:\Program Files\3DCoat-2023\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels\Ballo.obj".

Thats not right, its stored under C:\Users\...\Documents\3DCoat\UserPrefs\Models\SculptModels.  I also found that not all default objects from the splines menu are loaded that are in Program Files\. Could you maybe look what your log says? It is in C:\Users\???\Documents\3DCoat\Log.txt. Does it work on your side?

Anyway thank you.

mine also doesn't work

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  • 2 weeks later...
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1 minute ago, Elemeno said:

anyone else getting strange bakes?


think the cage isnt working correctly.

Anyone else have the viewport performance fall through the floor (like around 1-10fps) after a Cavity/Occlusion bake (especially with a Sculpt Object)? I have been having this problem for a long time and Andrew says it does not happen on his side. Every time I bake, it does this, no matter what file or build.

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1 hour ago, AbnRanger said:

Anyone else have the viewport performance fall through the floor (like around 1-10fps) after a Cavity/Occlusion bake (especially with a Sculpt Object)? I have been having this problem for a long time and Andrew says it does not happen on his side. Every time I bake, it does this, no matter what file or build.

no problem my side, after baking im still 700-800 fps


can you make a video so i can recreate the steps..

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