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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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... multires isnt multires...

what they have made is a layer system ...


i believe blender uses a displacement maps




3d coats version of multires




gives some strange results...


this isnt useful to anyone

another reason why surface mode needs a solid quads only ,so multires can work correctly.



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28 minutes ago, Elemeno said:

... multires isnt multires...

what they have made is a layer system ...


i believe blender uses a displacement maps




3d coats version of multires




gives some strange results...


this isnt useful to anyone

another reason why surface mode needs a solid quads only ,so multires can work correctly.



It may be a bug in just this build (04), because I did not see this behavior before....

Nevertheless, Andrew is working on it.


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3DCoat 2023.04


The Color Palette looks dotted. New start of 3Dcoat doesnt help.

I was just testing clipping masks in paint room. Later I was not able to pick colors, but here the new start helped.

I'll observe it.


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Hey guys, been playing around with creating presets and I've found weird behaviour:

- I've used Draw tool with custom alpha and among other settings I've set Rotate along stroke with Brush Rotation to 90 and saved it to Presets. Unfortunately, whenever I switch to different tool and switch back to my preset, Brush rotation is back at 0.

Am I missing something or is it a bug?

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2 hours ago, Ctc_nick said:


3DCoat 2023.04


The Color Palette looks dotted. New start of 3Dcoat doesnt help.

I was just testing clipping masks in paint room. Later I was not able to pick colors, but here the new start helped.

I'll observe it.


yea its same with mine too...

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1 hour ago, Mihu83 said:

Hey guys, been playing around with creating presets and I've found weird behaviour:

- I've used Draw tool with custom alpha and among other settings I've set Rotate along stroke with Brush Rotation to 90 and saved it to Presets. Unfortunately, whenever I switch to different tool and switch back to my preset, Brush rotation is back at 0.

Am I missing something or is it a bug?

mines not doing this... i cant seem to replicate

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This post was recognized by Carlosan!

Silas Merlin was awarded the badge 'Great Support' and 1 points.

when exporting GLTF the metalic factor is set to 0, always.
people are having trouble with that importing to Second Life.
Is there a way to change the metalic factor at/before export ?

Moreover, Second Life refuses the GLTF if "embedded" is not ticked at export.

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On linux. 3DCoat does not respect UDIM surface materials and "polygroups as materials" combined. I know this is a beta feature (experimental). If more than one polygroup is created in retopo room during the bake (Polygroups as Materials is checked) 3DCoat does not add the polygroups as different surface materials. UDIMS seem to override it. In addition as a new feature, being able to use material assignments in another application along with the UDIMS created would be great. I know the "treat materials as separate textures" becomes disabled when using "Import Tiles as UVsets".

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For those who still have the problem with the font texture in the colour picker: Reinstall 05, I believe they pushed a new version without increasing the version number!

I already had 05 installed, but installing it again fixed it.

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Downloaded 2023.05 on OSX 13.2 using M2 MAX. Installed fine but just getting black screen which says learning and nothing happens

I also have 2022.60 installed which works fine


Edited by NLPLP
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In version 2023.05, the Tool Presets panel won't stay open after the first time I access it after I open 3D-Coat. Every time after the first time, the panel closes whenever I mouse over it. If I restart 3D-Coat, it works the first time, then any time after that it keeps closing the panel. 

I also tested with 2022.58 and it is doing the same thing.

I'm running Windows 10 Pro version 21H2, Nvidia GeForce GTX 1080, 32 GB RAM, Intel Core i7-6850K at 3.6 GHz. Nvidia Game Driver 531.18.

I also can't get it to appear when I select it from the Windows > Panels > Tool Options menu. I reset the preferences to default and that didn't fix the issue.

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