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Some bugs and possible not-as-intended behavior for freeze- and pose related tools, 2023.09

- "Pose" -> "Tool Options" -> Store selection to the layer
works OK, creates a paint layer with name something in the vein of "PolyGroup_n" and paints in in the pose area, so it can be "picked" as freeze area / pose area

Bug 1
- "Pose" -> "Tool Options" -> Pick selection from the layer
Expectation: it selects the painted pixels of layer as pose mask, and activates pose transform tool
Bug: Not really reliable, nothing happens, not feedback
Edit picking painted area in the viewport, the painted layer works

Possible bug
1. Standing in "Pose" -> "Tool Options" without any pose masked area selected,
2. Then "Layers" -> RMB on layer with painted mask -> "Freeze painted pixels"
Expectation: The painted pixels of paint layer is selected as pose mask, and pose transform tool is activated immediately
Bug: Nothing happens in Pose tool, no transform, no feedback

However, transforming the mesh with gizmoless-transform -> Undo , makes it so Pose tool is then activated with the painted pixel area as pose mask, and transform tool activates

Bug 2
1. Activate "Freeze tool"
2. Select frozen area from paint pixels on Layer, via "Layers" -> RMB on layer with painted mask -> "Freeze painted pixels"
3. Change to Pose Tool -> Frozen area becomes pose mask
4. Transforming the mesh, the surface of the area breaks with many tiny cavities, in a sense as though the mask area is not completely selected even though the selection ostensibly looks solid, 100% red or 100% black etc
Edit This doesn't always happen, only occasionally, it's difficult to reproduce,
however I discovered that if posing is done at a (lower) layer multiresolution level, going up a level or to top level, many small pieces will be at the unposed position, destroying detail

The goal was to store some selections for a mesh, picking between them to gradually pose the entire mesh

thanks for any effort to verify and remedy this


Edit2 With the normal "Proxy Slider" tool this problem is reduced to the point it's negligible
For instance, 4.4 million tris mesh, I can decimate 16x with Proxy Slider to get <300k and use the pose masks, pose the sculpt, then restore to get back to 4.4 mill.
In my testing so far, restoring to the 4.4 mil mesh, there is not the problem with many small stretched points which have not been posed like with multi-resolution 
There might be occasional small surface break, but can easily be remedied by use of smooth or relax tool.

The reason for stepping down in res is
Lower resolution facilitates 1. faster operation in viewport 2. smoothing pose area much more effective 3. less wait on picking selection layers

Edited by poeboi
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Another potential bug in 2023.08 OSX


After multiple  iterations of Vox hiding, Im unable to delete "Delete Hidden " geometry.

The bug resolves after saving and reopening saved file

Edited by NLPLP
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2023 seems good. I hope they consider to revive Houdini applink tho. Today Houdini does everything except painting and sculpting. It seems a very reasonable complement of 3DCoat, a good painting and sculpting app.

Edited by Kodra
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I said I wasnt gonna report bugs or be sarcastic or mock the devs but after the .10 update my exe gone missing. Thanks for the best update. 

had to uninstall-reinstall.


Edited by Koray
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10 really has several problems, stable mark moved to 09.

Today I will upload 11 that will fix all that problems. 

Main problems:

- there was 2 uploads of 10, first one correct, second - incorrect (we got to know it today), so some peoples that got in cacse second upload experience mentioned above problem with missed exe. Due to internet cache it may not be fixed without the version number change.

- second problem is that if Documents folder are within OneDrive folder, the work folder moves to user/3DCoat, it leads to problems with blender applink and problems locating older saved projects. The 11 will revert the older location. 

Please excuse for inconvenience.


I recommend using 2023.09, the 2023.10 is unstable!


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Приветствую Андрей! После работы с кривыми в окне рисования не возможно переключится на обычные методы рисования обычных инструментов из левой панели.
Обнаружил что после использования команды - заполнить внутри проекции/заполнить внутри, обнаруживается ошибка - не возможность вернутся к обычному рисованию. Возможно я что то не понимаю как это работает, но выглядит как баг (( 
Пробовал команду Кривые\Остановить редактирование и скрыть выделенное, удалял все кривые, не помогает ((

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im quite a simple person ... i think for me , getting a result as fast as possible is my main goal ...

so any improvements that speed up the process of sculpting or modelling im all for.

also ive just noticed unlink sculpt mesh replaces the current sculpt mesh ... anything done in modelling room etc


plus love support for vdm ... keep up the amazing work

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20 minutes ago, Elemeno said:

im quite a simple person ... i think for me , getting a result as fast as possible is my main goal ...

so any improvements that speed up the process of sculpting or modelling im all for.

also ive just noticed unlink sculpt mesh replaces the current sculpt mesh ... anything done in modelling room etc


plus love support for vdm ... keep up the amazing work

also quick work around , when you autopo the mesh. the sculpt name becomes the polygroups name
so when you unlink the mesh it replaces the sculpt mesh , to avoid this just rename the sculpt mesh

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The pick and paste tool works amazing ... but ive noticed it doesnt get underneath certain parts of the area, could we get a bounding box to pick so it can scan the whole area even any curves in the mesh etc.... lets say were doing thorns .. it rounds the point

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Еще раз столкнулся с этой особенностью работы с кривыми, а точнее не возможностью перейти к обычному режиму настройки кисти, хотя она активна.(В окне рисование по ЮВ ) После нажатия инструмента "Измерить" все становится ок. Такое наблюдается после применения командной работы с кривыми\подразделениями работы с возможными случаями(вероятно))) Возможно всё так и должно работать, просто оставлю это здесь. Обратите внимание пожалуйста.



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58 minutes ago, Oleg_Shapo said:


Эти предметы не для комнаты рисования. Но я сообщил разработчику о проблеме. К сожалению, у меня нет четких шагов, чтобы повторить проблему.

Yes, I guessed that they had nothing to do with the paint room. Inexperienced user like me is very misleading.

Steps to repeat: In the drawing room, create a curve, apply the command to fill the curve inside, switch to the brush and choose how to draw - we see the charm ))


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I'm experimenting a bit with the new voxel paint functionality, and am really liking it so far. Something I have noticed in my particular little project though is that it can be really really intricate to use the "act as vox hide" feature with relatively thin objects. 

What I have is a wooden plank with 2 materials of varying depth, and I am scraping away the top material using brushes with "act as vox hide" option active. Because the wooden plank is relatively thin (not very, very thin, but relatively thin, as wood planks naturally only have a certain limited depth to them), the inverted vox hide (meaning, un-hide the voxels with ALT-key pressed down) very often does the opposite of whats intended: it tears holes in the mesh (that you can look right through) instead of bringing the voxels back.

I might be overlooking something here, but it only seems to be possible to use the brushes with vox hide. When I try to use e.g. the rectangle lasso, this doesn't seem to work in combination with the vox hide functionality.

I am brushing and brushing away, and where the object is fairly thick already, the "vox un-hiding" works correctly, but where the object is thinner, it doesn't. It tears holes in the mesh, and I am unable to bring the voxels back in the area where the holes go right through the entire mesh. It only makes the holes even larger.

Long story short, if you know what I am talking about here, there must be some way in my opinion to make hidden voxels visible again easier when there are holes in the mesh. Because you can't paint in empty space/ in areas where there are holes, it takes far too long to close the holes. If that makes any sense...

EDIT: forget it, everything work ok. Just use the standard Vox Hide functionality in the Adjust category...

Edited by wilson66
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There is definitely something awry with the "Act as Vox Hide" brush tool option in combination with lassos (2023.13). It only works with the brushes (e.g. "Radius, Depth & Opacity Pressure"), but doesn't work with any of the lassos. The lassos extrude the surface instead of hiding voxels.

Edited by wilson66
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Knife tool (Retopo Room, Add Geometry section) needs to be more reliable. I'm creating a retopology, and when I use the knife tool, and want to cut multiple edges in a row (I click each single one of them, it would be nice if it would cut inbetween edges automatically), it doesn't recognize many of the exisiting edges (doesn't highlight them on mouse-over), or I need to click somewhere off away from the edge so it suddenly highlights it, and when I press ENTER, it forgets to cut half the edges I have marked. When I dare to rotate the view and the first click of the knife tool is occluded by geometry (I guess), all is lost, and the cuts it creates when I press ENTER is a mess. It seems to use screen space to do the cuts, it should do them in actual 3D space. This not fun to use as it is.

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VDM! Is brilliantly working. I always thought Coat would be a top tool for this. No, really!

We need an option for flipping/invert Color/ Axis. You have my ear on this.. :rofl:

As you can clearly see it is working, but some axis is inverted.

Well done



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Fantastic work lately, I'm super thankful about the changes to freeze and pose masks. With what's available in 3dcoat now, one can essentially FK pose an entire sculpt solely using pose masks. It's a fantastic facility, and I think by now it beats the workflow of sending to (for example) Blender to pose.. there's a bit of setup to it but by this point it's to my knowledge probably the best sculpt posing solution on the market.

the workflow is roughly this :
1. decimate the sculpture (by proxy method, so res can be restored later)
2. paint in masks of pose areas using regular paint tools, on paint layers
3. these masks can then be picked in "Pose Tool" from viewport or using "freeze transparent" on paint layer
4. can then manipulate the area and store all deformation by pose, onto a paint layer (meaning if the pose doesn't work out, it can be erased)
5. fixing poses which will be necessary in a lot of cases, can be done by freezing all but a pose masked area, and sculpting on it... to fix deformations or make the deformation respect anatomy, etc.

thank you!

other thing:

I wonder if we please can have GLOBAL   "TO CENTER MASS" option , for centering gizmo on current sculpt tree object no matter which tool is active.
This is the option that's available in "Transform" tool options , but also "Pose" tool options.
it makes it so, all transform gizmos but also the gizmoless transforms will operate from the center mass point of object.

currently as it stands, the transform tool or pose tool has to be activated each time to just perform "to center mass", it's not very convenient
and even if the option is bound to a hotkey, it will not always perform the "to center mass" action. For example, I have it set to hotkey CTRL+HOME but it oftentimes will not center on object.

Thank you for any consideration!

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