This menu allows you to view any of the available controls for all tools that use one. The rest of the options are very self explanatory.
You can reset the current page or all pages to their defaults, save your page or whole workspace layout to a file, and also load it when needed.
Controls Settings
O Decrease Opacity
P Increase Opacity
9 Decrease Angle
0 Increase Angle
[ Decrease Radius
] Increase Radius
– Decrease Degree
+ Increase Degree
Shift+- Decrease Smooth Degree
Shift++ Increase Smooth Degree
; Decrease Specular Opacity
‘ Increase Specular Opacity
< Decrease Specular Degree
> Increase Specular Degree
X Swap Colors
Depth: Change the Brush Pressure.
Radius: Change the Brush Radius.
Rotation: Adjust the rotation angle of the brush.
Smoothing: Adjust the degree of smoothing applied while drawing with the SHIFT key.
Opacity: Select opacity to apply color.
Change the Glossiness/Roughness intensity: Depending on what Texture Import/export workflow you use, the values are inverted. Describes the micro surface of the object and controls how the light is bouncing off the object (Also known as Roughness) ie, perfectly reflected (chrome ball), blurry reflection, or diffused (chalk).
Debug Layers
Toggle Popups/Docked Windows:
Pick Color/Depth/Glossiness: This item is intended just to redefine the hotkey for the picking action.[V]
Pick the Current Layer/Volume: This item is intended just to redefine the hotkey for the picking layer/volume action.
Pick layer add: [SHIFT+H]
Pick layer sub: [CTRL+H]
B Color Picker
F Pick pivot point
L Show Layer List
Spacebar Show tools panel
D Depth Channel
C Color Channel
R Specular Channel
T List of brushes
M List of Smart Materials
E Types of drawing
~ Quick Panel