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3DCoat 2024 development thread

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2 hours ago, lilly 009 said:

I downloaded trial version. i can't edit anything. I start to edit my 3d scan to cleanup, it freezes a lot. my computer is the average one, 8g ram+150g memory.

but wheen i use zbrush or blender i don't have aany problems. what should i do?


How many polygons does your mesh have? I would definitely start in the sculpt room with import. In Sculpt Room you can work on parts of dense meshes without single poly editing. good for scans. In the adjust section there are good tools for cleaning and repair. You might also voxelise parts to get rid of really bad knots in the mesh.

You could also reduce the polycount before using 3dcoat and split up the dense mesh. In my last scan I only used 12 million polys for a small figure which is not much but working on my 'old' computer.  Here is a cool workflow from realitycapture to 3dcoat:

I hope it helps!

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3 hours ago, Ctc_nick said:


How many polygons does your mesh have? I would definitely start in the sculpt room with import. In Sculpt Room you can work on parts of dense meshes without single poly editing. good for scans. In the adjust section there are good tools for cleaning and repair. You might also voxelise parts to get rid of really bad knots in the mesh.

You could also reduce the polycount before using 3dcoat and split up the dense mesh. In my last scan I only used 12 million polys for a small figure which is not much but working on my 'old' computer.  Here is a cool workflow from realitycapture to 3dcoat:

I hope it helps!

Yeah, I would definitely try to import it into the Sculpt room as a Voxel Object, first, to do all of the worst parts of a scan cleanup. Then, the FILL tool could be used to quickly fill all those holes.


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4 minutes ago, Elemeno said:

import as a voxel can cause thin areas of the mesh to be destroyed ...

Yes, but a user can opt to have 3DCoat create a shell, during import. This would give it a specified degree of thickness, to overcome this problem.


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symmetry plane goes on wrong side when "points to polygons" or "delete polygons" are used: if you delete a polygon, activating symmetry gives plane on the opposite side as you can see in attached pictures.
It's just me (2022.41) or it's a bug? Would it be possible to fix it?
Thank you so much.



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The new Curve Snapping is brilliant! :good: Using curves as guide for complicated geometry:


To get 3d curves under control is not yet easy. Try to make a curve straight with tangents.

The Snap for Tangent Points is still projected:


-If Working Plane is on, the curve should stay on plane. (the other way round) In that case projected snapping between viewport, working plane and curve makes sense. 

Working with curves feels much better IMHO, thank you!


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14 hours ago, retutca said:

Hi guys!
Retopo room: more uv maps generated. Unwrap has been used to expand all maps. The problem is that incorrect wraps are being generated. I can't find a solution on the net. Thanks!

Please send me the scene to fix it (andrewshpagin@gmail.com).

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Tried to install 2022.43 through the versions manager and it fails to install the app. Seems to remove previous version, but not install the update. Then shortcuts etc cannot find the app to open.


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Not so much a bug, but I think some adjustments are needed in the tool options when creating 3D primitives in both the Retopo and Modeling Rooms. The dimensions and values for Radius and Diameter often don't work as expected, or at least don't seem to be equivalent to those in the Sculpt workspace.

Perhaps I have missed a setting somewhere, but to check all these , I created a 30x30 cube in the sculpt room, and confirmed it's size using the 'Show statistics' command under Geometry. Voxels per unit is set to 1. UnitsScale is set to 1. SceneScale is set to 1.

The sphere (in radius mode), to match the size of a 30x30 cube, the user needs to input a radius of 30, or a diameter of 60.  I'd say the resulting geometry should be double the size in both cases. Entering a radius of 15 should produce a sphere with equal bounding box dimensions as a 30x30 cube, but it ends up half the size it should be. Same for all modes: Triangle, Meridian, and Cube projection.

The cube, in Retopo and Modeling rooms with a size of 30, produces a cube twice as big as that created in the Sculpt workspace also with a size of 30.

Same for the radius of the Cylinder.  A value of 15 should produce a cylinder that has the same bounding box as the 30x30 cube, but it does not.

Same for the bottom radius of the cone.

The non-uniform spheroid is kind of the opposite.  It doesn't use radius or diameter, but the default 'size' of 30 produces a spheroid double the size of the default 30x30 cube. I'd suggest the resulting geometry should either be half the generated size, or 'size' in the options panel should be changed to 'radius'.

The 'size' values of the three entry fields torus appear to be correctly scaled, though these values are incorrectly repeated down below and labelled 'OuterRadius' and the same scale is used for 'Inner Radius'. These values should either be halved, or relabelled as 'Outer Diameter' and 'Inner Diameter'.

The capsule is the same as the sphere.  A value of 15 entered as the radius gives a capsule with a bounding box width half what it should be. And if 'use diameter' is checked, and 30 entered, it is also hald the width of a 30x30 cube.

Same for the pipe.

Same with the N-sided pipe. (icon looks like a hexagonal pipe/nut)

Same for the spring.

It's a similar situation for the 2D geometry, the square plane with a 'side' of 30 produces a plane twice as big as the 30x30 cube in the sculpt workspace.

Same for the circular disc. A Radius of 15 should give a disc the same width as the 30x30 cube, but the resulting disc is  twice as wide. If I click on 'Use Diameter', the diameter says its 30, but it is also twice as wide as the 30x30 cube.

The other 2D primitives also appear to have the same scaling mismatch.


I hope other users can reproduce this behaviour,  and that I'm not just making  a fundamental error somewhere...




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6 hours ago, insignet said:

Tried to install 2022.43 through the versions manager and it fails to install the app. Seems to remove previous version, but not install the update. Then shortcuts etc cannot find the app to open.


done same to me... jsut download .exe from above

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I might've asked about these ones already :unknw: still think they would be super useful, not my intention to nag, understand completely there are other priorities

1) May we have a facility to control Bend Volume in sculpt room with curves, in the same vein as we can control strokes size drawn along curves (with curves)?

Use case: It is tough and time consuming to control the variation of size with Bend Volume, by only manipulating the individual radiuses of points. Controling the radius of bent model with curve would be a quick stop shop to do it

2) Bend Volume for Modeling room, using retopo groups and retopo models

Use case: straight up bend finished topo models along curves, possible with finished UVs even, would be so handy and powerful in many modeling circumstances. Say, track belts for a vehicle could be done by modeling it "straight" then bending it into place. Or character parts, like waist belts, even hair geometry or horns or something.

Thanks for any consideration, hope all is well and best of wishes!

Edited by poeboi
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On the subject of bending with curves, it would be great if we could bend using two curves. The first to define the 'starting shape', and the second to define the 'deformed position'. The first curve then brings the voxels or surfaces along with it as it matches the profile of the second curve. This way, non-linear objects could also have their shapes modified in a very controlled way.  

I have no idea how practical this idea is from a development point of view... It's just an idea.


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1 hour ago, micro26 said:

Hi I noticed roughness slider is missing from the interface is there a setting to enable it ?  Latest update deletes 3dcoat  for me as well.


Slider is collapse ?


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Could you add a command to put selected curves in a new layer. This would really help to organize the CurvesTree.

Found out Curves from differend subtrees can not be connected, that is good and useful.

All the Best!


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I am having issues with the add/split tool in .43
I am not sure what triggers it, but after a while some of the brush vanishes, the line that you drag with the brush vanishes... at this point the tool still works, but later the brush becomes similar to points to faces tool and the tool no longer works until 3d-Coat is restarted.

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I am trying to use the clusters tool.

The other day, I found "clear custers" in the command section and used it. Today, I am unable to make "clear clusters" appear in the commands section, no matter what tool I select.

The "Join clusters" tool is either ineffective or it joins all clusters at once. the seams do not change color when hovering over them.

When using the "Add clusters" tool, with "auto seams" activated in tool options, there is an island unwrap preview, but this preview shows the whole section of mesh, not the individual islands created by the clusters.

I still have this most annoying issue with the add/split tool slowly disintegrating in a session until it becomes unuseable and the session has to be ender and the file reopened.

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