This menu has many functions unique to the Sculpt Room and can only be accessed by RMB clicking on an object in the Sculpt Tree or directly on an object in the 3D viewport (if the option to show RMB is activated on Preferences).
Let’s take a look at these functions.

Reference color: Choose the color to highlight the object in the Sculpt Tree.
Live booleans: Currently, Live Boolean operations support only objects in voxel mode.
Add the child object to any voxel volume, press RMB-> Live Booleans-> assign the operation: difference, intersection, summ.
Press the ghost icon in the Sculpt tree to view the object regardless of the Boolean operation applied.
The complex Booleans supported: you may, for example, subtract Object 1 from Object 2 and then subtract the resulting object from Object 3.
Any complex combinations supported.
Collapse the tree to the surface object if needed.
Press the Boolean operation icon to disable it temporarily and make the object visible.
Press RMB over that icon to change to operation quickly.
You may assign a hotkey to change the Boolean operation over the picked object.
Show All Hidden Volumes: If any Sculpt Tree objects are hidden, this command will make them visible.
Show Hidden Volumes in Sub-Tree: If any children Sculpt Tree objects are hidden from the object you RMB click on, invoking this command will unhide them.
Delete: Deletes the Sculpt Tree object.
Add Child: Creates a child Sculpt Tree Object.
Rename: Renames the object.
Decrease Objects 2X: It decreases the size of the objects but also increases the density twofold.
Increase Object 2X: It increases the size of the objects but also decreases the density twofold.
To Global Space: Sets the VoxTree objects space to be set to world space at 0 on X, Y & Z axes.
To Uniform Space: Transform the scale along the axis and make the axis orthogonal to make space uniform.
Resample: This function allows you to change the polygonal count of the entire selected object. You can even specify an exact polygonal count with this function.
Radial Array: Allows you to duplicate the geometry in a Sculpt Tree object radially, with any number of slice counts to the array. The geometry will remain in the same Sculpt Tree object it was originally in. The geometry can also be created as instances of their objects in the Sculpt Tree, instead of the original by turning on “Instance” in the Tool Options panel. Let’s look at the tool options.
- To X/Y/Z: Aligns the Rod Transform gizmo to the specified axis.
- Begin/End: Allows you to specify the exact coordinates numerically of the beginning and end of the Rod Transform gizmo.
- Gizmo Length: Numerically specify the length of the Rod Transform gizmo.
- Screen-Based: Sets the size of the gizmo to be relative to the viewport.
- Array Count: The number of radial slices of the array.
- Instance: Create instanced Sculpt Tree objects instead of duplicating the geometry to the same object.
- Extrude: Perform an extrusion on an object.
Extrude: extrude the entire object.
Extract shell:
– Make Shell Mesh Using Voxels: Make a shell mesh using the voxel algorithm. It takes more time to calculate but works well for complex topology.
– Thicken using surface: Thicken the mesh object using surface extrusion. It is fast but can cause artifacts on complex topology.
This function allows you to thicken a Sculpt Tree object. Handy for imported objects that have open areas (not watertight).
Close Holes in Surface / Fill Voids: Closes any holes that may be in the current Sculpt Tree object.
Objectify Disconnected: Creates an object in the Sculpt Tree for each separated piece of geometry and places the geometry into those objects.
Save Volume as 3B: Saves the current Sculpt Tree object as its own .3B file.
Save Volume w/ Sub-Tree as 3B: Saves the current Sculpt Tree object and its children’s objects as a .3B file.
Import 3B File: Imports another 3B file into the current scene.
Edit Shader Settings: It lets you edit the selected Sculpt Tree object’s current shader.
Import: Two functions reside in this menu.
– Import Point Cloud: Prompts with a file select to choose a point cloud source on disk, then activates the Import tool.
– Import Object: Prompts with a file selector to choose a mesh file on disk, then activates the Import tool.
Export: Various functions for Exporting reside in this menu.
Export Scene: Exports a multi-object file. Each object in your scene will be a mesh object in your exported file.
Export selected Object: Exports only the selected object to a file.
Save to Meshes Panel: Saves a preset file to disk and automatically places it into the Meshes panel.
Save to Splines Panel: Saves a preset file to disk and automatically places it into the Splines panel.
Export to UE5:
Export to UE5 as…
Edit UE5 script.
Runs the Auto Retopology routine to create an automatically generated mesh with automatically generated UV maps, using 3DCoat proprietary GUUV unwrapping method or another unwrapping algorithm. You can specify guides for the edge loops and even paint areas where you wish for more polygonal density. You can also specify hard-edge options.
Read more about AUTOPO by clicking the name above or reading this guide.
Retopo via decimation:
Retopo via decimation, visible objects:
Transform: Activates the Transform tool for the object.
Snap to Ground: If an object is above or below 0 on the Y axis, this command will bring the lowest point of the object to 0 on the Y axis.
Lay on Ground: Similar to the Snap to Ground function, by moving an object’s lowest point to 0 on the Y axis, it also will rotate the object when the center mass is not resting on the ground. Imagine an object falling through physical means and resting on the ground.
Clone: Contains all of the cloning/duplication functions. let’s look at each of these functions.
– Clone Instance: Creates an instance of the object. It uses less memory than duplicating.
– Clone: Duplicates the object. The object will be in memory.
– Instance w/ Symmetry: Creates instances across the symmetry plane you currently have active.
– Clone & Degrade: Duplicates the object and decreases the resolution by half.
– Clone Space Density: Duplicates the object’s density (or resolution) and all transformations (translations, rotations & scaling), but does not duplicate the object’s contents.
– Flip: Allows you to flip the object on the X, Y & Z axes. This menu also contains a command for flipping the polygon normals of the mesh.
Combine w/ Children: Combines the current layer with all of its child layers.
Bake Color From Visible Volumes: Bakes vertex colors from other Sculpt Tree objects to the current one. If the object is in Voxel Mode, it will automatically be converted to Surface Mode.
Merge Visible: Merges all visible Sculpt Tree objects into one object.
Merge Sub-Tree: Merges all the children of the selected layer but not the selected not.
Copy & Merge With: Duplicates the object and adds the polygons to another object.
Merge With: Additive boolean operation. Adds the polygons from the selected object to another object and deletes the current object from the Sculpt Tree.
Subtract From: A subtractive boolean operation. Removes the polygons from the selected object from another object and deletes the current object from the Sculpt Tree.
Intersect With: An intersection boolean operation. It keeps only the polygons of the current object where they overlap another object. The selected object is deleted from the Sculpt Tree.
Remove Intersection With: An intersection boolean operation, similar to but the exact opposite of Intersect With. Removes only the polygons of the current object where they overlap another object. All objects are retained (not deleted).
Split With: A split boolean operation. Separates only the polygons of the current object where they overlap another object and creates a new object in the Sculpt Tree for the polygons that were split from the original.
Change Parent: Assign or change the parent of the selected object to another object in the Sculpt Tree.