This workspace is built based on the need to model the basic shapes using easy tools.
It’s important to focus on the blocking stage of modeling and construct base forms for blocking out the basic shape of bodies, animals, robots, vehicles, etc.
When dealing with the overall shape of what you want to create, complex shapes are always just a combination of simple shapes.
Neil Blevens has a legendary blog post about primary, secondary, and tertiary shapes.
Left tool panel

Primitives: Use primitives to create the basis for many and varied starting shapes.
Import: This tool lets you import polygonal meshes.
Curves: It lets you place spline points directly into your scene or apply a brush along a curve.
Text: This lets you place text along a spline curve and create text in voxel form.
Logo: The logo tool lets you import any black-and-white picture and convert it to voxels.
Constructor: Simplifies the 3D modeling process for PixelArt using basic geometric shapes as bricks.
Sketch: This tool is a very important addition to the toolset. It lets you create a volume object with 2 or 3 image projections; if you use three images, the voxel object will be more detailed.
Snake: Clicking and dragging with the LMB creates a snake-like shape in your viewport.
Spikes: Functions like the snake tool, except that it tapers on the endpoint, causing a spike-like appearance.
Muscle: Lets you easily sculpt muscle- and tendon-looking shapes.
Cloth: This tool is a cloth simulator that you can use to drape a polygon mesh over another object.
Cut Off: Cuts polygonal or spline-shaped sections away from a sculpture through the volume.
Measure: By clicking and dragging with the “LMB,” you can measure from the beginning to the end of your stroke, allowing you to sculpt to scale more.
Pose: This tool is great for quickly changing the rotation, scale, and translation of a selection.
Move: This tool is one of the most powerful and versatile tools in the voxel arsenal. Not only can it “adjust” any shape, large or small, but it also can act as an “Extrusion/Intrusion” tool.
Transform: Rotate, scale, and translate your currently selected Layer. By grabbing one of the gizmos handles, you can constrain to whatever axis you click on.
Warp: It lets you twist and bend the currently selected object Layer in the Voxtree.
Axial: Some applications call this “Radial Symmetry”. Any Voxel Layer can be duplicated and rotated in number and angle from a central axis.
Bas-Relief: This looks at the existing volume of an object and extrudes to create a new volume based on the position of the gizmo.
Res +: Use this to add voxel resolution only when you have exhausted the ability of the current resolution to add sufficient detail to your sculpture. Increasing the resolution will effectively double the number of voxels the current object layer has.
Resample: This presents you with a dialog that allows you to adjust the resolution of your model “up or down” as you require.
Clear: Will clear all voxel information from the current layer.
Smooth All: Performs step smoothing of everything on the current voxel layer.