The Curves editor can be used in all workspaces, making it a powerful and very versatile tool.
Open E-panel to enable spline lasso mode.
Look also RMB menu over newly created curves.
Curves Menu

Activate curves editor: The first command switch on curves editor.
Curves Quick Menu: You can also use the hotkey [Q] to activate the curves editor and select the work mode immediately.

Stop edit curves: switch off curves editor.
Stop edit curves and hide selected: Finish the curves editor and hide selected curves.
Curves Usage hint: First, you need to activate curves editor. Use E key and select curves mode or activate using this menu.
In curves editor use different modes to add and modify curves. Press RMB over the curve to access the curve properties or modify.
Press ENTER to apply curve for current tool. If curve is closed, usually the area will be filled. If it is not closed, the brush will be run along the curve.
Curves Tree: Panel of curves hierarchy.

- Bottom icons (left to right):
Activate Curves Editor
Apply Curve
Applies brush along curve with spacing and jitter
Load curve saved previously as spline or eps
Save curve saved previously as spline or eps
Delete Item
Group the selected curves, put all of them into the single subtree.
Record strokes: If this option enabled, each stroke will be recorded as invisible curve in Curves Tree, folder “Strokes”.
Save curve: save the selected curve.
Save curves separately: Save each curve to the separate file. Filename will be composed of your custom name and curve name.
Load Curve: Load curve saved previously as spline or eps.
Load Curve from image: Upload a black and white bitmap image and 3DC automatically figure out what settings to use and trace the image.
Snap to surface: Each moved point will be snapped to the closest position on surface even if point is on the backface.
Snap to curve points: Snap to curve control points.
Snap to curve: Snap to the nearest curve except currently modified.
Snap to center: Snap to the center of curves bound boxes.
Quantize length: Look the length unit in “Snapping settings”.
Snap to horizontals\verticals: Snap to horizontal and vertical projections of other points in this curve.
Snapping settings: Please set the values required for distance and angle snapping. To use the snapping you should also enable the corresponding snapping in the menu.
Render curves on back side
Place on plane:
- Average plane
- Center mass + YZ – plane
- Center mass + ZX – plane
- Center mass + XY – plane
- YZ – plane
- ZX – plane
- XY – plane
Curves Operations:
- Separate Disconnected Curves
- Split Self Intersections:
- This command adds self-intersection points to the curve. The intersection is also the case if the points on the curves in the space are located closer than the intersection tolerance value, by changing which you can get more or fewer intersection points.
When you select “Split to segments”, you get a subdivision of the curve into successive segments.
When you select “Split to clusters”, you get a subdivision of the curve into closed sub-clusters. - Boolean Operations: This command performs the operations of intersection, union, and subtraction over curves.
First of all intersection points of the curves are located, and then the operations are performed. The intersection tolerance regulates the number of intersection points. The intersection is considered to point lying at a distance less than this value. - Simplify Curve: This command deletes the curve points so that the new curve is as similar as possible to the original curve.
The number of points is controlled by the parameter “multiplier”, which varies from 0 to 1. - Smoothing Curve: This command smooths the curve.
A variable degree specifies the degree of smoothing, the larger the value, the more iterations of smoothing will be applied to the curve.
Smoothing is done in two ways. The first method is averaging (check box “Simple average method” is active). Each point is replaced by the average value of this point and two adjacent points.
The second method (check box “Simple average method” is not active) is that the curve is interpolated and the middle point is replaced by a point on the resulting curve.
If the “Subdivide to uniform segments” check box is active, the curve is divided into segments of approximately the same length (this length can be adjusted with the help of the slider), and then smoothing is performed. - Remove Sharp Corners: This tool removes curve angles other than 180 degrees, replacing them with a circular arc of a given radius. If the option “Apply only to selected vertices” is selected, the operation will be performed at all selected vertices of the curve, regardless of the angle. If this option is not selected, then the operation is performed at all vertices of the curve, which the algorithm considers suitable.
- Subdivide Curve: This command will add one point between each two points of the curve.
- Reverse Curve Direction
- Toggle length displaying: Turn ON/OFF length of curves chunks.
Misc Settings:
- Detach curve modifiers (selected)
- Detach and delete meshes (selected)
- Edit curve modifier (selected)
- Hide selected modifiers: Hide meshes for all selected curves with modifiers.
- Hide all modifiers: Hide meshes for all curves with modifiers.
- Show all modifiers: Show all hidden meshes for all curves with modifiers.
Apply Curves:
Start new curve: End the current curve and start new one.
Brush Along Curve: Applies brush along curve with spacing and jitter.
Run brush along projection:
Edit Pressure Profile: Define how pressure will be distributed along the stroke.
Select/Freeze projection area: Select/Freeze area within closed curves projection.
Select/Freeze in 3D space: Select/freeze area within closed curves in 3D space.
Fill by voxels: Fill the inner area of the curve by voxels.
Freeze selection to curve:
Snap to surface: Snap curves to the surface..
Assign radius: Assign the same (current) radius to all points of the curve.
Set Coordinate:
Delete all curves:
Curves Editor

Icons (Left to Right)
Select entire curve: Select and manipulate the entire curves. Use SHIFT and CTRL to add/subtract selection. Hover entire curve with rectangle to select. If part of the curve will be outside the rectangle, the curve will not be selected. Select and drag to move. If you need exact transform, use transform mode.
Select and manipulate one point or group of points:.
Rules of this mode:
- 1) Doubleclick to insert or remove point.
- 2) Doubleclick in empty space deselects all.
- 3) Selection of points with click or rectangle will be performed only over selected curve. You may select other curve with SHIFT click over point.
- 4) RMB over point changes it’s sharpness/softness, othervice triggers curve properties.
Add stright lines segments to the curve: Press ESC to start new curve. Click on first or last point of the curve to extend it.
Add Spline segments to the curve: Press ESC to start new curve. Click on first or last point of the curve to extend it. Click on any point of closed curve to break the circuit.
Add BSpline: Add BSpline segments to the curve.
Add freehand drawn segments to the curve: Click on first or last point of the curve to extend it.
- Simplification factor: The simplification factor for drawing a free curve. After you draw a free curve, the percentage of points that is specified in this parameter is removed from it.
- Smoothing factor: Smoothing Factor For FreeHand.
The five tools -from left to right- have expanded options for better creation/manipulation. They are:
- Set selected vertices to be sharp.
- Set selected points to default spline behavior.
- Set selected points to be B-spline points.
- Equal tangent splines length handles.
- Parallel tangent splines length handles.
- General independent tangent splines length handles.
- Split point: If point is linked to other point it will be unlinked, othervice curve will be split into 2 curves at this point.
- Join points: Use it to join 2 curves together, select 2 endpoints and use join.
- Link several points together: Linked points may be placed on separate curves. After linking they will always be moved together in all operations when there is no contradiction. Use split to unlink.
- Collapse 2 points in one: Points should be sequential on the same curve.
Move vertices: If active, mouse moves vertices.
Move tangents: If active, mouse moves tangent vectors handles.
Options for insert point with double click:
- Spline point: When this item is selected, double-clicking on the curve adds a spline point.
- Sharp point: When this item is selected, double-clicking on the curve adds a sharp point.
- Preserve shape: When this item is selected, double-clicking on the curve adds a sharp point. The curve does not change its shape, but all points of the curve become points with parallel tangents.
Point position: adjust point position on XYZ coordinates.
Erase: Erase curves under the pen circle.
Pen Circle: Click to add circle with default parameters.
- Number of vertices: Amount of vertices created.
Cut Slice: Click, drag the mouse, release. The cut slice will be transformed to the curve.
- Angle: Press shift to discrete angle.
- Fixed angle: Use fixed angle.
Add Ellipse: Click to add ellipse with default parameters. Drag to set the custom size. Hold SHIFT to create circle. SHIFT/CTRL click on other primitives to select/deselect.
Add Rectangle: Click to add rectangle with default parameters. Drag to set the custom size. Hold SHIFT to create the square. SHIFT/CTRL click on other primitives to select/deselect.
Add N-Gon: Click to add n-gons with default parameters. Drag to set the custom size. Hold SHIFT to create n-gon in round. SHIFT/CTRL click on other primitives to select/deselect.
Add Star: Click to add star with default parameters. Drag to set the custom size. Hold SHIFT to create star in round. SHIFT/CTRL click on other primitives to select/deselect.
Add Spiral: Click to add spiral with default parameters. Drag to set the custom size. SHIFT/CTRL click on other primitives to select/deselect.
- Select similar: Select objects of similar type and dimensions.
- Same type: Select objects of the same type.
- To regular curve: Convert selected curves to regular curves. It means that curves will not be derived from primitives and you may modify them manually. Generally, if you will add the point manually or move some point manually, the curve will become the regular curve automatically.
Tool for smooth points moving: Please choose curves or points to start. Drag points that are separated from the cursor by a radius distance. As the cursor moves, the points that fall into the action field change.
Tool for smooth points moving by a radius: Please choose curves or points to start. Dragging points are subject to the points that are separated from the cursor by a radius distance when the left mouse button is pressed. As the cursor moves, the points that fall into the field of action do not change.
- Degree: Translate acceleration for smooth points moving.
Transform: Transform selected curves/points.
On Plane: Constraint strokes to a plane. Use RMB to define plane. Click the Plane Opt. button to further edit how the plane functions.
Curves Properties
Press RMB over the curve or over curve layer on curves tree to access or modify the curve properties.
Apply Curves Apply the selected Curves.
Save Curve: Save the selected Curve.
Points Extrude.
- Draw real offset: Draw real offset for extrude.
- Make corners sharp: Make corners sharp.
- Reverse curve direction: Invert curve direction.
Duplicate Duplicate the selected Curve.
Put on Plane
- Average plane
- Center mass + YZ – plane
- Center masss + ZX – plane
- Center mass + XY – plane
- YZ – plane
- ZX – plane
- XY – plane
Curves Operations
- Split Self Intersections: This command adds self-intersection points of the curve. The intersection is also the case if the points on the curves in the space are located closer than the intesection tolerance value, by changing which you can get more or less intersection points.
When you select “Split to segments”, you get a subdivision of the curve into successive segments. When you select “Split to clusters”, you get a subdivision of the curve into closed sub-clusters.
- Boolean Operations: This command performs the operations of intersection, union and subtraction over curves.
First of all intersection points of the curves are located, and then the operations are performed. The intersection tolerance regulates the number of intersection points. Intersection is considered to be points lying at a distance less then this value.
- Simplify Curve: This command deletes the curve points so that the new curve is as similar as possible to the original curve.
The number of points is controlled by the parameter “multiplier”, which varies from 0 to 1.
- Remove sharp corners: This tool removes curve angles other than 180 degrees, replacing them with a circular arc of a given radius. If the option “Apply only to selected vertices” is selected, the operation will be performed at all selected vertices of the curve, regardless of the angle. If this option is not selected, then the operation is performed at all vertices of the curve, which the algorithm considers suitable.
- Subdivide Curve: Automatically add vertices to curve. This command will add one point between each two points of the curve.
- Reverse Curve Direction: Invert curve direction.
Brush along curve: Applies brush along curve with spacing and jitter.
Run brush along projection:
Edit Pressure Profile: Define how pressure will be distributed along the stroke.
Select/Freeze projection area: Select/Freeze area within closed curves projection.
Freeze/Selection to curve:
Fill with mesh layer: The curve will be filled with the mesh inside. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, extrusion, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Attach tube or models array: A pipe will be created alongside the curve.
If you select the model in the Splines tab, that model will be placed along the curve instead of the pipe. In the Hierarchy tree a new object containing that mesh will appear. Select the corresponding layer so as to change the parameters, for example the number of objects along the curve, scale, density and so on.
Bend Volume: Bend the object around the curve.
Swep profile along Guide Curve: Along selected Guide Curve will be sweep profile. After appear “Tool Options dialog”. You need select profile-curve. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, Twist-Angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
You can vary curve shape using the option “Use Profile Graph”.
Create Rotate Surface: The Rotate surface will be generated by revolution the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear “Tool Options dialog” You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, TwistAngle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Polyhedron: The Polyhedron will be generated by revolution ang moving the selected profile around selected curve-axis. After appear “Tool Options dialog” You need select curve-axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Swept Surface 2 Guide:
The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving profile along 2 curve-guide. After appear “Tool Options dialog” you need select 2-d guide-curve and curve-profile.
The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
You also can vary curve shape using the option “Use Profile Graph”.
Create Swept Surface 2 Geners: The Sweep Surface will be generated by by moving of 2 profiles along the selected guide-curve. After appear “Tool Options dialog” You need select curve-profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Create Swept Surface N Geners: The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by by moving N profiles along two curve-guide.
After appear “Tool Options dialog” You need select 2-d guide and curve-profiles. The new item in VoxTree will be created and the mesh will be placed there.
Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Now with much better quality of “Expand/tie off” for patches and tubes for curves modifiers.
Snap to surface: Snap curves to the surface.
Curve Settings:
- Closed Curve: Draw a closed curve.
- Show radiuses
- Lock Radius
- Show normals
- Show points
- Snap To Surfaces
- Keep In Plane
- Show length
- Assign radius: Assign the same (current) radius to all points of the curve..
- Change curve color
Delete Item: Delete selected curve.
“Bend volume” tool to bend objects in-scene along the curve added.
Requirements for the model to be used in the Splines panel
Swept Surface 1: Creating a swept surface using one guide curve and one profile curve..
Swept Surface 2: Creating a swept surface using two guide curve and one profile curve.
Swept Surface 3: Creating a swept surface using One guide curve and Two profile curve.
Bird 3D: Creating a swept surface using guide curve and profile curve.
Dolfine 3D: Creating a swept surface using guide curve and profile curve.
Rotate Surface: Creating a surface of revolution.