There are only a small number of commands in the sidebar, but they are all very important.
Use this to add polygon resolution only when you have exhausted the ability of the current resolution to add sufficient detail to your sculpture.
Increase resolution
Increasing the resolution will effectively double the number of polygons the current object layer has. This allows for a layer to have much more detail at higher resolutions. You can view the resolution of a layer, in the Sculpt Tree, directly before the layer’s name. If it has just the name, then you will know that it is at its base resolution and has not been increased.
Resample: This presents you with a dialog that allows you to adjust the resolution of your model “up or down”, as you require.
It will clear all polygon information from the current layer. This is useful when you wish to keep the current layer’s name and resolution but not the voxels.
Smooth all
Smooth all: Performs smoothing of everything on the current sculpt layer.
Will uniformly smooth (or relax) all of the faces of the currently selected object layer in the Sculpt Tree.

You have some options that just are not compatible with volume mode so that’s the reason why these options are not currently available for that particular mode only in surface mode.
Tangent smoothing: attempts to preserve shape while refining polygon structure to be more evenly distributed.
Skip this dialog next time, just smooth once: If this option turned ON this dialog will not appear. Smoothing will be performed just once. You may get the dialog back in Edit->Preferences->Tools.
Edges relax (available on Surface mode)
Only working on Surface mode, this tool relax the open edges of the surface mesh (holes boundaries).
Multiresolution on Surface mode
This feature Works only in surface mode so you need to switch to the surface mode and you can see that new buttons have appeared in the toolbar. If we click one of them to 3DCoat offers us to open the multi-resolution panel. If we click yes then the multi-resolution panel will open also you can find this panel among the windows tabs.
UP Step UP with the multiresolution, and add the new subdivision layer if you are on the highest one.
DOWN Step DOWN with the multiresolution (if it exists).