Add the child volume to any volume in the scene, press RMB over the child, and see the “Live..” items.

Or press RMB over any model on viewport to select LB

At its current stage, it works only with voxel volumes, but the intersection is sharp. No bevel (but this will be done later).
In the scene, you will see a preview; small, narrow holes are possible, but the exported mesh is watertight.
Live booleans now work correctly during any sculpt changes, just on-the-fly, also the collapsing to regular mesh available via RMB->Collapse boolean tree.
If you ghost the volume that participates in live booleans, it becomes visible (but still cuts the parent). This way you may see and sculpt it (enabling ghost picking & acting).
- Live Booleans moved to own section in the RMB menu.
- Live booleans may be correctly bound to hotkeys.
- Baking supported for Live booleans.
- Correct picking, so retopo is possible.
- Correct painting over boolean volumes.
- Undo for live booleans, Union as one of live boolean operations.
- Correct export for 3d printing with live booleans. Merge visible/subtree to surface/voxels works correctly as well.
- Click over LB icon disables it (to view object as is), RMB shows the quick menu to change the boolean operation type.
Any complex hierarchical boolean combinations allowed, union support, correct work with instances (instances may not work with LB, but at least instancing stops if booleans are used).
To “bake” or “apply” it so it’s finalized you just drag the layer with the live boolean to the parent layer while holding: Shift = add mode , ctrl = substract mode