Run Script:
Create the Python script:
Show the Python console:
Python API documentation: The 3DCoat Python API is intended to trigger UI commands, operate over the scene, and create new tools.
Install python packages:
Uninstall python packages:
Attach to the Python debugger:
Create New Core API Script: Core API script is a compliable C++17 program, so it works on the full native C++ speed. This is far more than just a script; you may make even time-critical and multithreaded tasks and customize the 3DCoat in-depth, creating principally new functionality and tools.
Core API Documentation: The Core API is a powerful method to extend 3DCoat’s functionality. You can automate the job or add principally new tools.
Create Angelscript (simplified C++):
Angelscript Manual: 3DCoat scripts are simple text files with AngelScript code. If you’re familiar with C++, then using AngelScript will cause no problems. AngelScript code works very fast, that’s why you may make pretty complex stuff.
View Execution Log: Open execution log in external text editor. Log is placed in user documents folder /3DCoat/userprefs/Scripts/log.txt