Located near the top of the interface is the Top Bar.
This panel includes the functions needed to select every type of component from your UV Map (vertices, edges, polygons & islands) for manipulation with the UV gizmo.
There are a number of functions to view, create and edit UV Maps.

From Left to Right this panel displays which UV Tool you are currently using, which type of default texture you wish to show mapped onto your Unwrapped Object (simple checker, etc.), a drop-down menu that shows a list of UV Maps that you have produced for that mesh and will display all UV Maps, whether created in another application, imported with the mesh, or created within 3DCoat.
Let’s look at each of these components.
Choose checker style
Use this drop list to select the checker style texture. It should appear over the model as UV Test Grid when you edit the UV set.

No Checker (Grey): default grey shade.
Simple Checker: choose simple UV Test Grid.
Complex Checker: choose complex UV Test Grid.
Custom Texture: load a texture to be used as UV Test Grid.
The five selection options are overlays that be projected over the model and will be turned on/off:
Retopo wireframe, Show UV seams, Show sharp edges, Colored UV islands, Smooth View.
UV Set drop-down list

The UV Map drop-down list also has functions to Add, Delete and Rename UV Maps (UV Tiles).
Move Selected drop-down list

Move Selected is a drop-down list with all the existing UV Maps that will let you move selected components to another UV Map by selecting that map in the drop-down.
UV Preview Windows commands
Next are the commands that works on UV Preview Windows (Windows>Panels>UVPreview)
– Component selection type: Vertices, Edges, Faces, Islands,
– Type of selection:
. Brush: Operate with brush in UV-preview window. If something is selected you will work only with selected parts. Clear selection to work with all islands. Use SHIFT to relax vertices.
. Tweak: Tweak faces/edges/vertices without actual selection.
. Select: Select vertices/faces/edges/islands in UV-preview window. Use SHIFT to add to selection and CTRL to subtract.
. Manipulate: Show universal manipulator in UV-preview window to work with selected objects.
– Segment Counts: Extra segments count to the left and right to select at one click.
– Preview Islands: Show island preview while hovering over the model before the actual unwrapping. It is helpful while marking seams to estimate stretching of the map. But it may be annoying, so turn it off when you are no longer need it.
When you select an Retopology/UV islands colors, each color cell corresponds to a polygroup.

On this panel you can edit Retopology Mesh and UV island Color to get better visualization.

Import/Export UV
Only two menu functions tucked away into the Textures Menu on Paint Room relate to the UV Room.
They are Import/Export UV, which allows you to import/export the mesh with the current in-progress UV editing from the UV Room to/from disk.
Multiple UV Sets: This video demonstrates the usage of multiple UV sets in 3DCoat, and briefly touches on the new UV tile support.