All capture possibilities (including the time-lapse) gathered into the “Capture” menu.
Record Timelapse: timelapse recording tool takes a screenshot of your work at a specified interval by smoothly moving the camera and then converting it to video. Recording a timelapse of the process of working on a model without an interface.
That allows you to record the process of sculpting by speed up of a hundred times and smooth camera movement, which is a pleasure to look at.
Edit timelapse settings
Record timelapse: Recording a timelapse of the process of working on a model without an interface.
Camera Motion Smoothing: To prevent camera movement from flickering during timelapse, camera movement will be additionally smoothed to the specified degree.
Snapshot interval: How often to take one snapshot of your work in seconds.
Hide visual guides: Hide symmetry plane, 3D-grid and axis.
Show timelapse folder: Open the folder in Explorer where screenshots and time-lapse videos are saved.
Convert snapshots to video: Converts all screenshots to a video file and opens the folder with the result.
Upload Mesh to sketchfab.com: Upload your painting/voxel/retopo model model to sketchfab.com. In dependence on your current room the corresponding mesh will be uploaded.
Create Turnable (MP4): Create turnable render images.
Render Turntables w/ Post Process: Create turnable render images w/ Post Process.