On version 2023.25 an above the “Mesh to NURBS” tool from the Modeling room was removed.

Tool “Mesh to NURBS” is now only in the Mesh to NURBS room.

Add Geometry
Select: Selection of object or Point/Edges.
3D Primitives & 2D Primitives: add 2D or 3D primitives to your scene for base blockout.
Select: In this mode you can select individual vertices, edges and faces. Use CTRL to remove elements from selection.
Select an element with LMB, then move (slide) them with RMB. In ‘Face’ mode use INSERT to subdivide faces and DEL to delete.To select a face loop: hold down Shift and double-click on the second face.
In ‘Edge’ mode use INSERT to split edges, BKSP to collapse, DEL to remove edges, L to select edge loops, and R to select edge rings, SHIFT to select/highlight edge rings.
Initiate Gizmo by right-clicking the mouse while holding down the Shift key.
Surface Patch: Selected curves define the Boundary and geometry of Mesh .The grid step frequency is regulated U Spanse.
Mesh to NURBS: Convert Mesh to NURBS Surface using the Catmull-Clark Algorithm, with subsequent export to IGES file.
Pick two Surface to Unify. Press Esc (or right button mouse) to begin new selection. . It is also possible to merge surfaces before export.
IGES export will require a special license after the test period because it is essentially an industrial feature.
Surface: You can edit some parameters of the Surface.
Lofted Surface: To create a Lofted Surface, select more than one Curves.
Filling Surface: To create a Filling Surface, select one, two, three or four boundary Curves.
ReSurfaces: The tool is a bit like Smart Retopo. 1. Draw splines on Sculpt mesh and press ENTER (Apply) to create a loft surface. You can extract the spline from the edge by dbl click near of edges. 2. You can draw simple surface-strip in mode Strip. 3. You must draw the boundary of the surface.
Edit Geometry
Merge Surfaces: To merge Surfaces, pick two Surfaces.
Extract Edge: To Extract Edge, pick Edge.
Snap Surfaces: Picked Surfaces snapping to Sculpt Mesh.
Smoothing Two Surfaces: Smooth junction of two picked surfaces.
Symmetry of Surface: Pick a Surface to make Symmetry.
Export Surfaces
Whole Surface: Export visible Surfaces to file IGES.
Analyze Surfaces: Control of deviation of the surface from the mesh.