Expand: Expand the area of selected elements. Use the “+” key on the Number pad to expand or the “-” key, to contract.
Contract: Contract the area of selected elements. Use the “+” key on the Number pad to expand or the “-” key, to contract.
Transform: Transform selected faces/vertices. If nothing is selected entire mesh will be transformed.
Free Extrude: Extrude in any direction. Pay attention that new vertices will not be snapped automatically, but they will snap in further operations if you don’t turn off Auto snap.
Cut Edges: Cut Edges into equal segments. User will pre-determine the number of segments along the selected edge(s).
Snap: Snap retopo mesh vertices to the surface. It helps if you have changed the object’s state in the scene and want to re-snap retopo mesh. If you are in “Select” tool in vertex mode, then only selected vertices will be affected.
Scale: Scale selected or entire mesh. Each connective cluster will be transformed separately.
Relax: Relax the entire retopo mesh or subset. If you are in “Select” tool in vertex mode then only selected vertices will be affected.
Rotate CW: Rotate selected edges clockwise.
Rotate CCW: Rotate selected edges counter-clockwise.
Extrude: Extrude selected edges.
Split: Select several edges, chen click Split. Move mouse over edges to specify split position, then click to split. You may use the INSERT key to trigger this tool and split selected edges.
Collapse: Use BKSP to collapse selected edges.
Delete: Use the DELETE key to delete selected edges.
Edge Loop: Press L to select an edge loop. Select two edges on one edge loop to limit the effect.
Edge Ring: Press R to select an edge ring. Select two edges on one edge ring to limit the effect.
SelSharp: Select sharp edges.
Split Edge: Split the selected Edges.
Bridge: By selecting two edges you can create a face.
Set Seams: Mark selected edges as seams (in UV Preview Window).
Delete UV Seams: Delete seams over selected edges (in UV Preview Window).
Mark as Sharp: Mark selected edges as sharp. Normals will be split along that edges.
Clear Sharp: Clear sharp edges. Normals will not be split.
Store Selection: Store Selection.
Load Selection: Load Selection.
Clear Selection: Clear current Selection.
Align Vertices: Alignment Vertexs by Plane. You can see the direction of movement of the vertices. If selected Faces, Alignment can occur by circle or sphere.