Relax: Relax the entire retopo mesh or subset. If you are in “Select” tool in vertex mode then only selected vertices will be affected.
Import: Import retopo mesh.
Export: Export poly mesh.
Subdivide: Subdivide poly mesh.
Smooth (CC): Subdivide and smooth the whole current group with the Catmull-Clark subdivision.
Smooth Selection CC: Subdivide and smooth selected faces using the Catmull-Clark algorithm.
Delete Mesh: Delete poly mesh.
Symmetry: Apply symmetry to the mesh
Unwrap: Fit all islands onto the UV map.
Automap: This is exactly same method of unwrapping as used in import dialog for automapping. It is planar mapping with test of clusters self-intersection. This method is most stable and eats any (even nonmanifold) geometry but creates too many islands.
Save contour: This command allows to save contour in real scale as EPS or DXF for further laser cutting. Length of lines corresponds to geometrical length. It is helpful if you want to cut shape using laser cutter and glue parts together.