Add several images to a new folder.
– What if I have some set of images like the one in the pic? Is there a way to set them up in a folder structure that 3DCoat can import? They are only Albedo images for projection painting.
On Smart Material Panel, select Create New Folder, then press 3 dots icon.

Select the option: add an existing folder.

Navigate inside the folder content and select only the first pic. Press open.
Add existing materials folder.

Add the Smart materials from an existing folder. A new Materials folder with the same name will be created. Select at least one file to automatically add all the files from the folder to the list.

This is the complete list of aliases (at the end of the filename) used to recognize the texture usage:
Normal map:
Clip mask:
The any of . – ~ may be used instead of the _ sign.
If any map is named with a space in the name, the texture is assigned as new Smart Material.