Description of all instruments is here
Add/Split: Add polygons using the lines between points. You can add new polygons, split faces, edges, and connect vertices in this mode.
Use RMB to tweak edges/vertices (you can use the Add/Split tool as a target weld tool).
Use the ZX… hotkey combination to move the point(s) in the plane.
Or hotkeys x, y, or z to move along the axes.
Select: In this mode, you can select individual vertices, edges, and faces.
Use CTRL to remove elements from the selection.
Select an element with LMB, then move (slide) them with RMB.
In ‘Face’ mode, use INSERT to subdivide faces and DEL to delete.
In ‘Edge’ mode, use INSERT to split edges, BKSP to collapse, DEL to remove edges, L to select edge loops, R to select edge rings, and SHIFT to select/highlight edge rings.
This command opens new panel tools at the bottom (Selected and Entire Mesh); see below this page for new commands.
Quick Start Menu In ‘Face’ mode, use INSERT to subdivide faces and DEL to delete. In ‘Edge’ mode, use INSERT to split edges, BKSP to collapse, DEL to remove edges, L to select edge loops, R to select edge rings, and SHIFT to select/highlight edge rings.
You can initiate Gizmo in the Select Tool by right-clicking the mouse while holding down the Shift key. When you make SHIFT+RIGHT-Click on the vertex, the gizmo isn’t aligned to Normal of this vertex.
If you want move along edge, you can Click on the edge.Make a selection, and right click on ANY OTHER part of the geometry, and the widget aligns to that, allowing to move the selection in a direction matching any existing geometry.
Soft Selection feature in 3DCoat 2023, for the Retopo and Modeling workspaces. It also incorporates the same selection modes from the Pose tool in the Sculpt workspace.
Select Path:
Points to Polygons: Add points with LMB. Tweak points and add faces with RMB. (look at preview) Force triangles with SHIFT. Hold the cursor close to the center of the potential quad for more precise placement of the quad. Switch to Special command group to Clear Points.
Strokes: Draw strokes and press ENTER to create a poly surface.
Press ESC to clear strokes.
Draw with CTRL to add splines and connect and break existing strokes.
You can also draw closed splines/curves. Start drawing in space to slice. To create cylinders, you can join several slices or circles with a single stroke.
Curves/Strokes: It works similarly to the strokes tool but uses curves instead of strokes. It operates only over the curves created within this tool! Generally, it only considers curves within the ‘CurvesStrokes’ folder in the curves tree.
Smart Retopo The video shows what we call Smart-Retopo feature, based on using the Curves toolset.
In mode Loft draw strokes and press ENTER (Apply) to create a loft polysurface (Retopo Mesh).
You can draw simple surface-strip in mode Strip.
You can draw the boundary of the mesh in mode Quadrangulation.
After pressing Enter, creating preparatory mesh. You can edit the boundary line. press ENTER (Apply) to create a Retopo Mesh. Press ESC to clear strokes.
Hold Shift to turn Snapping off. Start drawing in empty space to slice.
Edit Edges by Right Button Mouse. If hold Ctrl activate Slide Edge.
If hold Ctrl+Shift activate Splite Rings.
U Spans Specifies the number of nodes in the longest curve.
The number of steps in others depends on the length of the curve.
If hold Ctrl, you can change U Spans by mouse wheel.
Correspondence of Qty USpans/VSpans to Qty of Face. Added check button “Alternative Select”.
R-Fill: This is a Quad Fill tool designed to fill holes in a mesh with the proper topological flow.
Knife: Cut a face with Knife. Draw the line and press ENTER.
Also have an functionality: Multishape polygon
Free Extrude: Extrude in any direction. Remember that new vertices will not be snapped automatically, but they will snap in further operations if you don’t turn off Auto snap.
Smart Extrude: Extrude face or edge in any direction. Hitting the ENTER key creates a new extrusion. You can also interactively scale (RMB + Drag) and rotate (SHIFT + Drag) selected faces or edges.
Smart Extrude part 2
Smart Extrude in 3DCoat Part2: Extrude tools have been modified as requested by users. With a new selection, the extrude is automatic when the movement starts. The possibility of working as before is left for Smart Extrude.
Smart Extrude part 3
Inset and Smart Extrude
Spline Tool: Extrude selected faces along Arc. A Transform Gizmo can edit the angle and Axis of the Arc. You can edit the Number of Segments and Scale factor. In Spline Mode, you may LMB drag points to move in 3D space and use the Scroll Wheel on Mouse (or equivalent on Wacom Tablet) to interactively scale the geometry of the edge loop surrounding the point the cursor is over.
Each spline point represents a new extrusion. Hitting the ENTER key or the NEW EXTRUDE button in the Tool Options panel creates a new extrusion/point.
Double-Clicking along the spline creates an intermediate edge loop extrusion/spline point, while double-clicking a point removes an edge loop extrusion/spline point.
Free Moving: Moving selected faces/edges/vertices. By using a mouse or Gizmo. If nothing is selected entire mesh will be moving. You can move a previously selected group or point with the mouse cursor by pressing the left button. The [Auto pick] option must be activated.
Surface Swept: Mesh generating by moving profile along selected curve-guide. The grid step frequency is regulated in 2 directions by U and V Spanse. It is also possible to insert additional edge rings at the desired location with a double click near the thick pink or blue curve.
Added mode: “Twist Plots Editable”. The ability to control the rotation along the track sections.
Surface Swept Tool: In this mode, Scaling is available along the X / Y axes.
Profile: Mesh generating by moving profile along Axis or selected curve-guide. The grid step frequency is regulated in 2 directions by U and V Spanse.
Surface Strip: A stripe can be created by drawing a centerline. The width of the strip you can edit near spline points with the mouse wheel. You can insert and delete spline points by DblClick. Press Esc to Start drawing other Curves.
Surface Swept 2: Mesh generating by moving profile along two selected curve-guide. The grid step frequency is regulated in 2 directions by U and V Spanse.
Swept Surface N Geners: The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by moving N profiles along two curve-guide. After appearing Tool Options dialog, You need to select the second guide and curve profiles. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there.
Select the corresponding object in SculptTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, and smoothing. Delete the corresponding SculptTree element to stop filling the curve.
The surface of revolution: The Rotate surface will be generated by revolution of the selected profile around the selected curve axis. The grid step frequency is regulated in 2 directions by U and V Spanse.
Surface by 2 Views: The Mesh generated by moving two conics along the curve guide. You can edit the curve. “Surface by 2 Views” is not enabled in the Z-Up coordinate system.
Loft Surface: Loft Surfaces are surfaces generated by multiple Curves creating a smooth tangency between the selected curves. Mesh generating by moving across selected curve-section. The grid step frequency is regulated in 2 directions by U and V Spanse.
Loft surface example by Fluffy
Surface Patch: Selected curves define the Boundary and geometry of the Mesh. The grid step frequency is regulated by U Spanse.
Bevel: create a bevel on the edges.
Array of copies: You can create copies for selected faces or the current Poly Groups. You need to specify the number of copies for linear and radial types. For copies along a spline, specify the number of steps.
Lattice: Lattice will be generated from edges or selected faces. The width can be changed using the sensitive circle. Moving the cursor horizontally changes the width and vertical – depth.
On version 2023.25 an above the “Mesh to NURBS” tool from the Modeling room was removed.
Tool “Mesh to NURBS” is now only in the Mesh to NURBS room.