Another important feature on the Top Bar is the Height/Color Limiter or Conditions. Select how the depth, color, and Gloss of your brush strokes are affected by colors, height, and other parameters.
Remember to set it to Always when you finish using this option.
This function allows you to, for example, paint more in a cavity, more on peaks, or more on a specific color or even a mask. It’s a helpful way to paint in detail, such as grime around nuts or rusty colors in rust spots.
To use any condition remember first to bake curvature map.
Conditions can be accessed by clicking the Top Bar. These conditions are:
Always: Applies to every pixel of the layer. More on Concave: This applies to areas that are more concave and lets you fill crevices. The condition allows acting stronger on concave areas. The cavity map will be generated as a separate layer automatically. More on Convex: Applies to more convex areas, applying the material to more rounded external surfaces. The condition allows acting stronger on convex areas. The cavity/curvature map will be generated as a separate layer automatically. Less on Concave: Similar to More on Concave, but applies in the opposite form by allowing a little less in concave areas and a little more in convex. Less on Convex: Similar to More on Convex, but applies in the opposite form by allowing a little less on convex areas and a little more in concave. More on Flat: Applies only to flatter surfaces. More on Curve: This applies only to more curved surfaces. More on Lit: The condition allows you to act stronger in lit areas. Uses an Ambient Occlusion map to determine placement: you need to calculate the ambient occlusion map to use this condition. Use Texture→Calculate Occlusion. More on Shadow: The condition allows you to act stronger, darker shaded areas. You need to calculate the ambient occlusion map to use this condition. Use Texture→Calculate Occlusion. More on Top: Applies only to the upper areas of the surface. More on Bottom: Applies only to the bottom areas of the surface. More on Sides: Applies only on the sides of the surface. The condition acts stronger on the sides of the model. More on Bright: Acts stronger on bright pixels. The only color of the current layer is taken into account. More on Midtone: Acts stronger on pixels with medium brightness. The only color of the current layer is taken into account. More on Dark: Acts stronger on dark pixels. The only color of the current layer is taken into account. More on Picked: Acts stronger on pixels with a color close to the currently picked color. The only color of the current layer is taken into account. More on Bumped: Acts stronger on pixels that extrude outward. Only displacement of the current layer is taken into account. More on Dent: Acts stronger on pixels that extrude inward. Only displacement of the current layer is taken into account.
More on Bumped & More on Dent: These two condition options seem to only work on layers with displacement applied. On separate layers, this option does not work.
On the upper right side you can adjust degree & contrast
Remember that Conditions only work on freeze for sculpt surface mode or Surface Paint on vertex on Paint Room.
But the standard sculpting brushes do not respect conditions, only work on Freeze mask to restrict where surface sculpting tools will be applied to the surface of the model.