Spline curves
It lets you place spline points directly into your scene or apply a brush along a curve.

Text: This lets you place text along a spline curve and create text in voxel form. Its parameters are identical to the Curves tool, so you should already be familiar with it after reading the section above. It has a few unique features:
You can select a font for your text, you can, of course, type in the text you would like to make volumetric, and you can adjust the thickness of this volumetric text.
Vox Layer
Create a thin layer around the frozen area of the current volume. Paint with the freeze to mark the area and press Apply afterward.
This tool allows the addition of coating over the layer in a non-destructive way. It is similar to VoxLayer, but you may define the area using curves and change corner points later.
Tube On Curve.
Bend Volume
Bend the object around the curve.
Swep along Guide
The swept surface will be generated by moving the profile along the selected curve guide. After appearing Tool Options dialog, you need to select profile-curve. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, angle, twist-angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Surface of revolution
The revolution of the selected profile around the selected curve axis will generate the Rotate surface. After appear “Tool Options dialog appears,” You need to select the curve axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, Twist Angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
The Polyhedron will be generated by revolution and moving the selected profile around the selected curve axis. After appear “Tool Options dialog appears,” You need to select the curve axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, and smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Rotate Surface: The Rotate surface will be generated by the revolution of the selected profile around the selected curve axis. After appear “Tool Options dialog appears,” You need to select the curve axis. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Angle, Twist Angle, etc. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Swept 2 Guide
The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by the moving profile along two curve guides. After the “Tool Options dialog” appears, you must select two curves: guide curve and curve profile. The new item will be created in VoxTree, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, number of faces, and smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree object to stop filling the curve.
Swept 2 Gener
The Sweep Surface will be generated by moving two profiles along the selected guide curve. After appear “Tool Options dialog” You need to select the second guide and curve profile. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, and smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.
Swept N Gener
The Sweep Surfaces will be generated by moving N profiles along two curve-guide. After appearing Tool Options dialog, You need to select the second guide and curve profiles. The new item in VoxTree will be created, and the mesh will be placed there. Select the corresponding object in VoxTree to be able to change parameters like thickness, Quantity of facets, and smoothing. Delete the corresponding VoxTree element to stop filling the curve.